Breakfast never disappointed!

I must have eaten 30 of these in total

Never a bad day in paradise

what kinda mexican would i be that i didn't have jalapenos in mexico?!

That's my cuddly teddy bear!!! <3

Half of the breakfast buffet, and you can barely see our AMAZING server in the background - he would bring us two different coffee presses every morning since he knew I liked weaker coffee and G liked stronger coffee!

Walking back from breakfast, extremely full

This is where I would hang out if I didn't feel like going to the pool - having a private drop pool is the best!

I still can't get over the view from the 2nd level, drool...

I'd do anything to go back

no six packs here, haha - all you get are turkey thighs! ROFL

wouldn't you jump in here every chance you got, too???

At the infinity pool with two amazing young ladies

these critters were everywhere

these critters were everywhere

I had more of these than I can count!

This guy just sat there and waited for me to take 30 shots of him, it's like he was posing

just for your gazing pleasure

i loved the blasamic vinegar with olive oil for our freshly baked breads

this be rissoto

best fish ever, i had the fish of the day almost everyday at least once and a few times, twice! their freshly caught (hour at most at lunch) grouper was soooo delish and the dish i ordered for dinner came with banana liquor, yummmy

you all have no idea how obsessed i am with onions...

kiddos dessert

here's my little black bean, hehe

kiddos having fun

super cool lamp

gawdd, the sky was so beautiful at night! yes, that's the north start :)

they came by to clean up twice a day, this is from nighttime's turn down

i was negra by day two, lol

nighttime view & perfect weather

nighttime dip

add some wine and it's a perfect evening
okay, i think that's enough for tonight, hope you enjoyed the pics!
don't forget to vote for me to be the next DSK Model!! please *bats eyes*

Lifestyles of the rich & the delicious! That breakfast looks SO GOOD! AHhh I need to go for brunch this Sunday lol
amazing pics, I would love to go one day! Looks like you had an amazing time, thanks for sharing : )
WOW! Looks so luxurious! The place and the air outside looks so nice, and clean, and new, and somehow 'fake' Like, it's hard for me to believe that there's such a place, I always thought the ads were edited!!
Glad you had loads of fun!
Looks like so much fun! I would love to stay at a place like that! & the food looks so yummy.
You always have AMAAZING pics--Those food pics are making me hungry! ;) What kind of camera?
&I can't believe those critters are everywhere...I'd freak out! haha
Great post!
Lol @ DSK Steph's comment : ) Didya really have to go and post more Cancun photos? To make me feel more mis. about my mundane vacation-less life?
The meals look fantastic. I love breakfast foods and that breakfast plate looks like perfection. And that red fruity cocktail, oh...
Your camera takes the best pictures ever!
You definitely lived it up in Mexico! Is that a Lava Flow that you were drinking? I could drink 100 of those, and I am not a drinker.
I love the picture of G's head popping up out of the water. LOL!
S and I are in dire need of a vacation to someplace tropical. The rooftop of our building will have to be my getaway spot for the time being. XD
I'll reply to your e-mails soon!
The food looks so yummy!
wow i love all the pix .. nice blog love!!http://beautyfashionmeli.blogspot.com/
one word, two syllables...YUM-MY!!!
god this post makes me HUNGRY!!! it also gets me excited for mexico in february. was this an all exclusive resort?
I have enjoyed your blog! I'm following.
I have enjoyed your blog! I'm following.
You have been tagged:)
Jay Anne
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