
Monday, October 25, 2010

seriously, when did my baby grow up??!!

i'd like to go down memory lane and show you how much rocky has grown, i've really deprived my bloggers of watching rocky progress throughout these last few months!

May 29th - I'll never forget how tiny he was!! new followers haven't seen the first set of shots
IMG00138-20100529-1151 CROPPED

June 1st...or here

6/1/10 Saying
goodbye to Rocky
June 26th coming back from a pool party :D
06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA
06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA
06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA
06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA
06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA
06/26/10 - On
our way back from Pool Party in VA
July 21st
DSC_0592 DSC_0584
apparently on this day he was super cute...don't he look like a cartoon here, kinda sorta?!
August 12th
8/12/10 5:08PM
Rocky sleeping
August 19th
September 4th
September 22nd
September 26th
October 1st
October 6th - hubby is so mean, he teases rocky with food we'll never give him!
2010.10.06 231pm -- IMAG0074
October 8th
10/8/10 - Rocky ---IMAG0076
October 9th
2010.10.09 913am -- IMAG0081
October 12th
Rocky 2010.10.12 3-pm

he's officially 11 lbs, 1 lbs less than his mommy and 2 lbs heavier than his daddy, hubs and i plan on taking our baby back to his mommy to see her, wonder how that will go down, will he remember his mom?

for the heck of it, here's my kitty! (lives at mom dukes house)
9/11/10 --- DSC_0658


ask me questions anonymously:


Beautygirl24 said...

Awwww, so cute! I love doggies.

Zerin (XinaRox) said...

Awww...he's just so adorable! I would love to get a puppy now...

Beverly said...

he is soo cute! makes me want another one i love dogs

m0chiii said...

soo cute !!! i know what you mean, they grow up so fast !!! =( i want my 2 shihtzus to have puppy faces forever !! lol.. one is 3 and the other is 2.. i got both of them when they were 8 weeks old..

Stephanie said...

great post! he's so cute!!!

Liana said...

OMG i think i just died a little! that is the freakin cutest dog i've ever seen! oh man i want a dog so bad! your cat is gorgeous too, although he didn't look too happy to be having his picture taken :P

Beauty Bag 411

Jen said...

he's still as cute as ever! i love dogs!

kali said...

Awwww.. adorable pics. =) I need a little puppy in my life.

PrincessLisax3 said...

Soo cutee! I wanna get a puppy for my little boys.

Totally unrelated, but what ever happened to Miss P's blog? Did she make a new one? I really liked her blog =(.

Anonymous said...

wow break my heart why don't you! sooo cute!

Nicole said...

omg, he is so precious!!

Unknown said...

Thank you ladies, he truly has won me over, I never want to leave the house and I want to take him everywhere but nothing is pet friendly around here :(

puppies are a huge pain in the butt, but so worth it in the end!!

Anonymous said...

Oh so adorable! :D

xoxo Mimi said...

So adorable doll. Put a smile on my face:)

Dhalia Edwards said...

He's so cute...

Dhalia of

Jo said...

ADORABLE x 10000! :) said...

Such an adorable dog!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Awwww what a cutie!

Shawnna S. said...

OMG Rocky is sssooo cute! I'm getting a third dog when I move and its gonna be a pommy!

EightSeventeen Jewelry said...

OMG! Rocky is so big now! He is still too cute for words! I'm glad you snapped a picture of your cat, too. How precious!

Do you bring Rocky with you everywhere? My best friend carries her yorkie in a carrier that looks like a giant purse. She's sneaky! LOL!

I hope we can catch up soon! I feel like it's been years!

Happy Halloween!


Ebru said...

Wow I remember the first few posts you did about him and he is all grown up now! Don't they grow so fast?? Rocky is a precious little puppy! I assume he's all potty trained now? No more mistakes in the house? :) My husband does the same thing with our Muffin lol but lately he gives in and he gives him the food he's dangling in front of his eyes. Of course now he's begging for all sorts of food, apples are his fave! :)

Katrina said...

CUTE DOGGIE!!!! I <3 him!!!!

And thats a pretty cat too!


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